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TranspariMED Reports

The reports below document the financial and human costs of unreported trials, and compare the performance of universities in selected countries.

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Other reports

Inputs into policy making processes

Clinical trial transparency: clarifications and additional information


  • Submission to the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s enquiry into clinical trial transparency, 06 Nov 2019


Comment on the proposed New Zealand Therapeutic Products Bill


  • Recommends creating a legal obligation to register all trials and report results. 28 May 2019


Position statement on the planned UK national clinical trial monitoring system


  • Sets out eight transparency benchmarks for the UK's proposed national strategy. 03 May 2019


Silent outcome switching in clinical trials


  • Notes the failure of the draft Research Integrity Concordat for UK universities to identify 'silent outcome switching' as a form of research misconduct, 14 March 2019


A transparency blueprint for the NHS


  • Policy proposal outlining how NHS Improvements can ensure that individual NHS Trusts report missing clinical trial results, 26 November 2018 (with HealthWatch and JustTreatment) 


FDA must monitor clinical trial reporting and issue fines for violations of the law​


  • Comments provided to FDA on its draft guidance on “Civil Money Penalties Relating to the Data Bank”, 15 November 2018


Strengthening NIHR's clinical trial reporting policy


  • Feedback provided to Britain's public research funder NIHR on its proposed new clinical trials policy, 21 September 2018


Clinical Trial Transparency: Update on recent developments


  • Submission to the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s enquiry into research integrity, 17 June 2018


Clinical Trial Transparency: Progress since 2013 and Options for Auditing Trials


  • Submission to the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s enquiry into research integrity, 02 January 2018

  • Co-signed by STOPAIDS, HealthWatch UK, and Universities Allied for Essential Medicines UK


Using Brexit to improve clinical trials regulation in the UK


  • Submission to the UK House of Commons Health Committee’s inquiry into “Brexit – medicines, medical devices and substances of human origin”, 24 November 2017

  • Co-signed by HealthWatch UK and Universities Allied for Essential Medicines UK


The Case for a UK National Clinical Trial Audit System


  • Short policy brief setting out the case for comprehensive nationwide trial auditing by the UK’s Health Research Authority, 09 November 2017


A National Clinical Trial Audit System to Improve Clinical Trials Reporting


  • Submission to the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s inquiry into research integrity, 05 October 2017

  • Co-signed by HealthWatch UK, UAEM UK, and Dr Simon Kolstoe


Sustainable access to innovative therapies: The need to take action on clinical trials transparency


  • Submission to OECD consultation on Sustainable Access to Innovative Therapies, 28 April 2017

  • Co-signed by the AllTrials campaign


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