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Webinar: How your country can end medical research waste (22 October 15:00 CEST)

Till Bruckner

Medical research waste costs taxpayers billions of Euros every year and endangers patients.


Join leading experts on 22 October to discuss practical solutions by signing up here.


=> Naho Yamazaki, Health Research Authority: The UK national transparency strategy

The UK aims to become the world’s first (and so far only) country to ensure that 100% of all clinical trials are registered, and 100% of trial results are made public. In future, the Health Research Authority will directly register all trials, and then monitor whether results are made public. Naho Yamazaki will explain how the strategy was developed, how the new system will work, and what other countries can learn from the UK model.

=> Rachel Knowles, Medical Research Council: How research funders can prevent research waste

The Medical Research Council was the first funding agency worldwide to set up a monitoring system that checks whether grantees register clinical trials and make their results public. Rachel Knowles will discuss what research funders in other countries can learn from the MRC’s experiences, and share tips for setting up similar systems.

=> Michael Wolzt, Medical University Vienna: How regulators can promote clinical trial transparency

Medical University Vienna is currently making the results of hundreds of drug trials public on the European trial registry. Doing this will become a legal requirement across Europe in late 2021, but many universities still struggle with the process. Michael Wolzt will discuss how the Austrian national medicines regulator supports universities – and what other regulators across Europe can learn from this model.

The webinar will run from 15:00-16:00 Berlin time (CEST).

This webinar is designed to be interactive. Presentations will be very short, giving participants the opportunity to ask questions and discuss how these models can be adopted in their own countries.

Because presentations will be short, we strongly encourage participants to read the background briefings (linked above) in advance.

Participation is free of charge, but places are limited so sign up today:

Click on the image below to share on Twitter:

This webinar is hosted by TranspariMED and Consilium Scientific.

For those interested in learning more, the report Clinical Trial Transparency: A Guide For Policy Makers provides a comprehensive overview of the topic.


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